Using intuition is as natural as breathing. It’s our birthright. When people are encouraged to use their intuition, they may develop their intuition into a trustworthy ally They can become adept at using this ability.
The opposite can happen when someone experiences negative consequences after displaying their psychic ability. It can condition that person to be self-conscious, anxious, and to shut down whenever they even think about working with their intuition.
When you’re anxious, you doubt yourself more, losing confidence with your intuition. You don’t want to be ridiculed so you start ignoring input from the right brain.
Here are several exercises you can do when you’re feeling anxious.
Take ten slow deep breaths all the way down into the diaphragm. When you’re done, check to see if your mind is calmer. Repeat as many sets of ten deep breaths as necessary. Check to see if your mind is calmer after each repetition.
A second way to calm your anxiety down is to focus on the bottom of your feet. Let your mind rest on the bottom of the big toe. Next focus on the top of the big toe. Do that with each toe. Then, let your mind go to the underside of the foot, the ball of the foot, under the instep, the heel, and the ankle. Work your way up the body. Stop when you reach the top of the head.
These two exercises are excellent for relaxation for whatever reason you are feeling stressed.
It’s risky to use your intuition when you’re stressed. Your intuition works best when you’re calm and grounded in your body. Unfortunately, when we’re anxious, we’re often not even aware of our stress. Taking slow deep breaths can help you to return to a high functioning intuitive state.
I hope that you use your intuition often and in many of your ordinary everyday activities. The more you work that muscle the better and more reliable that muscle will be.
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