You’re sitting in your living room with your family. The windows are taped to prevent them from shattering, yet with the intensity and randomness of the wind, and the sharp and excruciating sounds outside – metal smacking against metal, the snap of trees, the eerie whip of air over the roof – all the precautions you’ve made feel like little protection.
What do you feel?
A lot of you reading this are in New England, and while we get blasted with Nor’Easters, we seldom get hurricanes. Let alone earthquakes or tsunamis. Still, can you imagine? What happens inside you?
Fear – primal, powerful and potentially crippling
One of the first, most powerful impacts of a natural disaster is the activation of our most basic, animal sense of survival. Or, more potently felt, the fear that we will not survive.
Right? Fear. Plain and simple. Right now fear is ripping through much of our world.
In and of itself there is nothing wrong with fear. In fact, fear is not only hard-wired into every human being, it’s necessary and can be beneficial. The biggest problem with fear though, is that not only does it keep us from creating, living and achieving what we most desire in our life, it’s often operating below the surface of our awareness.
Stay with me: I’m diverging for a moment from the fear that arises in the midst of an earthquake. That’s a primal fear, like if we see a spider or a snake. It’s automatic.
The other type of fear is the more crippling. Fears of failure, or success. Fear of jealousy, or greatness, or responsibility. If I created my dream company, what would I then be responsible for? What would my family think of me? If I wrote that novel that I’ve been talking about, what if no one liked it? What if a lot of people liked it – what would I need to do then to live up to it?
Are you making the connection? When we are afraid of a hurricane, it’s obvious. When it’s a fear of taking a risk in our life, not so much. In fact, it can be so hidden from awareness (suppressed or repressed) that we are sure the reason we haven’t done something, changed something, created something or stopped doing something.
FEAR – Feeling Excited And Ready
Whether you are in the midst of, or the aftermath of, a natural disaster these days, you might take the proactive jump to asking yourself what’s really important to you.
For many people one of the effects of a natural disaster is the reassessment of what really matters to them. If we are not directly affected by the destructive forces of nature these days, we might be wise to get the lesson anyway. Right now, what matters to you? What have you been living with that is – if you are brave and honest – no longer tolerable? What have you not stepped up to that if fear were no longer holding you back, you’d boldly move towards?
How Boston's Top Psychic Can Help
It’s in this realm that I can be of assistance to you. As a psychic, I cannot alter nature, nor is my path to be a rescuer. One of the obvious components of recent events is that none of us really know what’s going to happen. Life is too precious to squander by delaying what really matters.
What I can help you with, though, is getting in deeper contact with your own inner drives, fears and motivation. You might say that I am, as medium, a connector between you and your higher self. Sometimes we’ve been fishies in our own fishbowl so long, we don’t even realize what we are putting up with or putting off.
There’s nothing like 130 mph winds, the rumble of the earth below our feet or viewing cars swimming where there once was road to get our attention.
You matter to me. You matter to the world. And so I ask you, here and now, what matters to you?
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