As one of Boston’s best psychics, I have nearly three decades of experience honing my Intuitve abilities and connecting two spirits, you and your loved one, with one another. And while for many of my clients this involves tuning into their energy fields and communicating with loved ones who have passed over to the other side, I am also able to act as a bridge between owners and their pets.
Psychic pet readings often help owners understand what their pets are thinking and feeling, and provide insight into what they need to live a happier and more fulfilled life. You see, animals – much like humans – are sentient beings. They have the ability to express feelings.
Using intuition and empathy, I learn what your pet is trying to communicate, and relay the message to you. If your pet is open to it, I can also communicate telepathically with the animal.
In order for my clients to get the most of these psychic pet readings, I often encourage them to continue to communicate telepathically with their pets outside of our sessions. Here are three tips to help you do just that.
#1. Connect with your pet.
Your pet is part of your family, and very likely already trusts you and connects with you on an intuitive level. This is true whether you realize it or not.
Think about it. How often has it happened where your pet intuitively knows what you want from them. Maybe you’re having a terrible day and your dog comes and snuggles right up next to you to console you. Just what you needed, right?
These aren’t coincidences. Rather, they’re examples of an intuitive connection with your pet.
You can communicate with your pet through pictures, mental thoughts, or actions. Just make sure the tone of your message matches what you wish to communicate.
#2. Listen to your pet.
Just as with any human-to-human interaction, it takes two to communicate effectively.
No matter whether you’re speaking to your pet out loud or just in your mind, after you send a message to your pet, let your pet offer a response to you. Give your pet the space to do that so they can be heard.
How you receive messages from your pet will vary. An answer may come into your mind as a thought, word, or image. The more you listen for your pet’s responses, the more accustomed you will be to hearing – and heeding – them.
#3. Respond to your pet.
When you receive a message from your pet, respond to it accordingly. You can give them what they are asking for, or explain that it might have to wait. This way your pet acknowledges that its request or feeling has been heard.
How Boston’s Best Psychic Can Help
I believe that we all have psychic and intuitive abilities, although sometimes we are too busy or out of touch with our deeper selves to tune into them. That’s where psychic pet reading sessions with an expert can help.
Contact Boston’s Top Psychic Today
Over the past 30 years, I have used my intuitive gifts to help my clients connect with their higher selves so they can live their best lives. If you’d like the help of a professional intuitive and want to book your Zoom or phone session, CLICK HERE.