Anytime you see a psychic medium at work either in a one on one setting or on stage, ninety-nine times out of a hundred, he or she is a trained medium. It doesn’t seem to matter at what age someone begins this journey, whether natural born, as a child, or if they uncover this ability later in life, a good medium, like becoming a great musician or athelete, excells because they set that goal, work har developing their gift, and have a lot of training under their belt.
Learning how to do spirit communication is like learning an entirely new language. Even the way a psychic medium receives information is new and strange. A medium communicates with the spirit world through their psychic senses called the “Clairs.” The three major “Clairs” are clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. It takes time for a psychic medium to understand how this works within them and what their personal symbols mean.
Receiving proper training helps a medium develop all their psychic senses, instead of using just one primary psychic sense, and increases their range and sensitivity. The extent to which most psychic mediums train their psychic abilities and work with the spirit world is outside the awareness of the general public. Even after years of dedication and training, there are still days when communicating with spirit world is confounding, frustrating and has an elusive quality to it.
Today, to become a psychic medium, there are schools, certificate programs and online seminars that help a medium understand and master their gift. In the beginning days of mediumship, during the Victorian era, the only training mediums had access to was to sit in a circle, with the same people every week for many years, cultivating their communication with the spirit world.
In a future blog post, I’ll get into specific exercises that mediums use to develop their psychic senses. In this post, I wanted to explain that good mediums aren’t a dime a dozen. They’re dedicated professionals who’ve invested time and money in their training, working with the spirit world, to get the messages from spirit right. (This is no small feat!) A good medium wants the same thing for you in a mediumship session as you want for yourself – authentic and comforting communication with your loved ones who are on the Other Side.
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