Many of us are now busy making – or filling – holiday wish lists. Marketers across the country are telling us what we need and that we need it now . Back massagers, a spa getaway, running gear, the latest Apple watch. The list goes on and on… And it will make you feel better, complete, happier. Or, so they say…
This makes it quite possibly the perfect time to take a moment to reflect on and give thanks for what we already have.
Since the holidays pull us in all sorts of directions, I often suggest to my clients that it’s the perfect time to begin the daily practice of writing in a gratitude journal.
This not only puts our lives in perspective, but a gratitude journal practice can help us through the holidays in the following ways:
Boston’s Top Psychic Tip #1. Gratitude journaling can lower your stress levels and build your resilience.
Whether it’s travel stress or just the stress of being around family, everyone feels some amount of anxiety over the holidays. Daily gratitude journaling can help us to feel less stressed out.
You see, it’s hard not to be happy when we reflect on how much we have – be it our health, a job that puts food on the table, a spouse who loves us, a pet we care for. These are the things that make us smile. These are the things that we can take for granted, too.
When we truly are grateful for the Universe’s gifts, we feel lower levels of stress. What’s more, this practice means you give yourself a daily emotional boost, strengthening your spirit for the times when you may be weaker – times that we all experience.
Boston’s Top Psychic Tip #2. Gratitude journaling can help you manage a difficult or challenging family.
By being thankful for the good we see in our loved ones, we are able to remember why we love them and that we do love them when their not-so-great traits come out at family gatherings. No one is perfect. If we see the beauty and good, it makes it easier to manage with the not-so-good. And even if you don’t have particularly strained relationships, gratitude can help you strengthen your current positive relationships. If you’re grateful, you won’t take these people for granted.
Boston’s Top Psychic Tip #3. Gratitude journaling can help to ease loneliness / the holiday blues.
By focusing on all that you do have, you move further and further away from dwelling on that which you lack. Your soul will feel abundant and better nourished with this practice. You stop comparing yourself to others and start relishing the life you are currently living.
Boston’s Top Psychic Tip #4. Gratitude journaling can increase your satisfaction with life.
Remembering what we are thankful for changes our mindset to one of positivity. This leads to happier feelings about our current state and our future.
Boston’s Top Psychic Tip #5. Gratitude journaling can improve your health.
The shift to a positive mindset can result in a healthier body. Be it because you take better care of yourself or feel more confident and capable to deal with life, your health will reap the benefits. A healthier mind can help lead to a healthier body.
Boston’s Top Psychic Tip #6. Gratitude journaling can invite more into your life.
The more thankful you are for what you have, the more room you make for good things to come. When we feel blessed and abundant, more of the same pulls into our orbit. It’s the way the Universe works – that which we focus on, we draw to ourselves.
Get started journaling today!
You don’t need to go out and buy a fancy gratitude journal unless you want to. You can make one out of a simple school supply notebook or even just jot down one thing to be thankful for every day in your daily planner. Whatever gets you writing and reflecting will do the trick.
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