When it comes to space clearing my favorite structures to clear are historic homes. I find them endlessly fascinating because old buildings are likely to have energetic imprints from days gone by. I’m highly sensitive to these imprints and often find myself traveling back in time witnessing repetitions of important events that took place in that building.
The easiest way to explain this phenomenon is that high-intensity emotions and events are energetically embedded in the fabric of a location. Space clearing cannot remove this type of energy, known as place memory, or residual energy.
What happens during a space clearing ritual?
When I prepare for a space clearing, if at all possible, I visit the site. I put my hands on the walls to sense the embedded energy. All buildings have the potential for energetic imprints. Historic homes have been around longer so it’s more likely that a tragedy has happened within the structure. A few extreme examples of place memories in historic homes are: Seeing people in period clothing experiencing what life was like before the Battle of Bunker Hill, hearing their conversations as a family deals with a devasting influenza, or the sound of a bugle playing taps at Gettysburg. Please note that not all place memories are negative.
As I said earlier, space clearing can’t remove residual energy. Space clearings address a different kind of energy. The kind of energy that accumulates in buildings over time as people go about living their lives. Most often, I clear the energetic residue from negative life experiences such as anger, frustrations, fears, illnesses, divorce, bankrupcy, deceipt, and other types of low vibration energy.

Space clearing techniques
I’ve experimented with various combinations of space clearing techniques when clearing a historic home. It’s been my experience that older buildings have more entrenched energy that is harder to release. Kinesthetically, it feels similar to a room without ventilation – heavy and stale.
The combination of space clearing techniques that seem to work well in an old structure are clapping, sound healing, and essential oils. The strongest of these three tools is the Tibetan singing bowl. As I walk around the building playing the Tibetan bowl, sacred sound waves permeate the foundation, floors, ceiling, and walls, raising the vibration.
The building starts resonating at a higher frequency. The space feels lighter, more peaceful, and soothing. I finish the clearing by misting the entire area with a solution of water mixed with essential oils such as lemon, orange or lavender.
Top Ten Reasons For Doing A Space Clearing
What results should I expect from a space clearing?
Space clearings set healing energy in motion. Houses centuries old are able to absorb the higher frequency vibration. Be aware that historic homes may need more than one space clearing.
One client reported that after a space clearing in her Victorian home that she went off in a new creative direction. Another client said the clearing had a calming effect on his pets. Results are unique for each clearing. Healing energy goes where it’s most needed in the building. This holds true for the people who inhabit the house as well.
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Over the past 30 years, I have used my intuitive gifts to help my clients connect with their higher selves so they can live their best lives. If you’d like the help of an intuitive coach and want to book your Zoom or phone session, CLICK HERE.