Have you ever wondered how it’s determined that a building is haunted? Most people and many paranormal groups get their information about hauntings from TV shows. Unfortunately, you can’t rely on paranormal television programs for your education. Their priority is to entertain you and more often than not, the integrity of the investigations are compromised to gain TV ratings.
Paranormal investigations are fun and no-nonsense at the same time. In an investigation, paranormal investigators and psychics play different roles and have different priorities. A paranormal investigator looks for scientifically verifiable facts such as capturing random unexplainable images on film and random mysterious sounds on audio equipment. A psychic uses their psychic senses; Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, Clairolfactory, and Clairgustance to detect energy or a presence. I do both.
Here are the top ten things I investigate to determine if a building is haunted:
1) Interview people who live or work in the allegedly haunted building and find out why they think there is paranormal activity. Did they see, hear, feel, smell or taste something unexplainable? Find out where in the building this occurred.
2) Look for natural causes for these unexplainable occurrences.
3) Take a baseline measurement of the EMF levels in the building. Excessive EMF can cause people to have hallucinations. Rule out or make note of excessive EMF levels.
4) Sit quietly in a meditative state in each room, tune into the energy and ask if there are any spirits there who’d like to communicate.
5) Place my hands on the walls and furniture to see if I get psychic impressions of prior events.
6) Look for unexplainable activity such as flickering lights, a mysterious breeze, or a door closing on its own.
7) Take note of scattered random dimes and pennies lying around.
8) Leave a voice recorder running in a room and review later for strange sounds.
9) Conduct an EVP session and review the recording for strange sounds.
10) Use a video camera to film in a location where paranormal activity.has been reported.
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