As a psychic medium, I’m able to communicate with the souls of our departed loved ones, and deliver their messages to those who remain on earth. I bridge the gap between the spiritual world and the physical world, with the highest intention to do good.
While not everyone can tap into their intuitive abilities like psychic mediums can, I believe we all have the potential to connect with spirits beyond the physical realm. We simply need to open our hearts and minds up to access it. There are actually certain times of the year when this becomes easier to do, and one is just around the corner.
Halloween: When the veil between worlds is thinnest
The ancient pagan Celts believed in “thin places,” those spaces where the distance between heaven and earth gives way, and human beings are able to transcend and see into the beyond or infinite.
The thinnest places are often where there is a meeting of earth and spirit, such as where land and sea, or sky and mountains collide. There are also times of day that are thinner, such as at sunset or dawn, the bridges between day and night.
Halloween, which falls between the autumnal equinox and winter solstice, is just such a time. Between October 16th through November 6th each year, with the peak dates being October 26th through November 1st, the veil (or energetic and psychic barrier) between this world and the afterlife is at its thinnest. When that barrier thins, our intuition and psychic abilities increase, making communication with spirits easier.
Those who wish to celebrate, honor, and communicate with their lost loved ones during this time, may do many things to facilitate this contact, including:
· Setting a place at the dinner table for the departed;
· Lighting a candle in their name;
· Displaying their photos;
· Leaving out their personal belongings; and
· Writing out questions the living have for them.
Once you’ve set your intention, be aware of the signs the spirits may present to you in return. They may work through your family, friends, co-workers, or strangers. So listen carefully to the messages you receive during this time. You may even notice objects appearing in strange places, find an item you thought was lost, or see an apparition.
Don’t be afraid of what goes bump in the night
Halloween is a time to honor those we have lost. Remember, spirits are the souls of those who have died in the physical world, and transitioned to the spirit world. They are loving and wish to communicate positive messages to family and friends. That’s not to say that on earth they had no flaws. They simply have become aware of them in spirit form, and taken responsibility for them. Set your intention to make contact with these spirits so that you can experience healing and comfort, or accept their guidance.
Consider participating in divination or getting a psychic medium reading
Halloween is a wonderful time of year to explore your innate ability to connect with the spiritual world, and to honor those in your life who have passed. You may also wish to participate in divination, like a card or tea leaf reading, or get a psychic medium reading.
Contact Boston’s Top Psychic Today
Over the past 30 years, I have used my intuitive gifts to help my clients connect with their higher selves so they can live their best lives. If you’d like the help of a professional intuitive and want to book your Zoom or phone session, CLICK HERE.