Do you ever feel a strange sense of awareness about certain places or people and that a particular experience seems like it duplicates something that happened in the past? The problem is you have no recall of it happening in the past. You could be experiencing déjà vu.
What is a Deja vu experience?
Déjà vu is difficult to describe and even more difficult to study, though it refers to those unusually rare moments when the present suddenly starts feeling like the past. Is it a memory from a dream that causes it? Perhaps a past life memory emerging from deep within our collective psyche? Is it a stream of consciousness left from reincarnation or is déjà vu a psychic phenomenon?
Scientists try to explain it
Most psychologists who study memory suggest that because we have source memories for all the things that have ever happened to us and source memories about where they occurred, when we experience déjà vu we may simply be experiencing something familiar in which the source cannot be pin pointed in our memory banks.
Who has Deja vu experiences?
What’s so interesting about having a déjà vu is that it is often young people who experience this phenomena the most. It seems peculiar because you would think it would be the opposite, as older people have more memories stored away. Yet from between the ages 6-10 is when experiencing déjà vu begins, with the most occurrences happening between the ages of 15 to 25. Is it not possible that the young are more susceptible to past life transference, or are they tapped into a higher level of consciousness? It’s a common belief that children are more psychic than the average adult, so it makes sense for children to experience more feelings of déjà vu.
Is it precognition?
Déjà vu could be considered a precognitive response. It is your brain’s way of letting you know that you are familiar with a certain situation but it also acts as a warning that something might not be right. Déjà vu researchers claim that people with epilepsy often report the feeling of déjà vu right before they have a seizure. The brain sends signals to other parts of the brain that possibly triggers a memory response from previous attacks. Because an epileptic usually cannot remember their seizures, they are left with the same feeling as someone who experiences a familiar object or scene but doesn’t know why.
Is Deja vue a psychic experience?
Whatever the cause, people around the world who claim to have feelings of déjà vu often report having other psychic abilities as well, including precognition. Though most psychics believe that the two are separate abilities and not related to one another, they are both still common in those with highly developed intuition.
As a Boston Psychic, I do occasionally experience déjà vu. My most recent experience was in Boston’s Chinatown. I stopped at a stand and was just about to place my order for chicken fried rice. Suddenly, I had an eerie sense that I’d done that exact same thing before at this exact same spot even though I’d never been there before. My first thought was I must be connecting with one of my past lives.
So if you ever get a weird feeling that you’ve experienced a moment in time before, or sense a familiarity in a new place, you may not only be experiencing déjà vu, you could be opening yourself to a higher level of psychic awareness.
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