Everyone likes to treat themselves during the holiday season.
And when it comes to food, this usually means giving yourself a pass to enjoy all the delicious treats that make the holidays so special.
We all know someone in the family who stuffs themselves so full during the festivities that they need to undo their belt buckle – or free the top button on their pants to make more room. And in most cases, we’re the guilty parties!
But if you have issues with overeating or weight gain, need to watch your blood sugar (to prevent or control diabetes), or you simply want to start eating only what your body actually needs, you might want to try using your psychic intuition.
How does intuition help you make healthier eating choices?
Intuitive eating means eating only when you are hungry, stopping when you are full, and not restricting yourself from any particular foods (unless you have medical reasons to do so).
When you tune into your psychic intuition, you are able to make a connection with your higher, authentic self, and the wisdom it possesses. By checking in with your body before, during, and after every meal – and following its signals – you will make choices that are in line with what your body truly needs to nourish itself, as opposed to what you think it wants.
Does intuitive eating really work?
Eating in this manner has been linked with lower BMI (maintaining one’s weight and preventing weight gain over the years) and improved psychological health.
Intuitive eating may well put an end to the worrying many of us have about weight gain, counting of calories, food deprivation, and obsession with the way we look. Once you find your body nourishing itself with what it truly needs, you’ll be able to start enjoying food again.
Below are 3 tips on how to use your intuition for healthier eating this holiday season.
#1. Take a moment to reflect.
Before you start putting food on your plate and eating, Are you feeling happy, uneasy, upset, anxious, bored, sad, hungry?
By pausing and giving yourself a moment to reflect on where you’re at, you can distinguish between your body’s wants and needs. The signals may be subtle, but if you listen for them, they are there, and you can make a conscious decision about what you indulge in.
During your meal, you should also take time to pause. Chew your food slowly, so that you can enjoy the texture and sensation in your mouth before swallowing and starting on your next bite. This gives your gut the time it needs to send the message to your brain you are full, so that you can stop when you’re no longer hungry, instead of polishing off your entire plate automatically.
#2. Take a seat.
You’re much less likely to enjoy and appreciate your meal if you’re standing and on-the-go. Make a little ritual out of the meal. Take a seat, stop multi-tasking, and focus on what you’re doing right now – enjoying a beautiful holiday meal with your loved ones.
#3. Take time to be thankful.
During your meal, think about all the people and the energy that went into preparing it – the farmers who harvested it, the chefs who cooked it, the loved ones who served it, and those who are sharing it with you.
As you take time to be grateful, you will find your awareness about the experience and the food itself will open and blossom. It’s not just about hoarding as much food as possible, stuffing yourself to the brim. It’s a celebration, and a way to healthfully nourish yourself.
Contact Boston’s Top Psychic Today
Over the past 30 years, I have used my intuitive gifts to help my clients connect with their higher selves so they can live their best lives. If you’d like the help of a professional intuitive and want to book your Zoom or phone session, CLICK HERE.