Whatever the case may be, you might want to try using your intuition to help you through the next few weeks.
Whatever the case may be, you might want to try using your intuition to help you through the next few weeks.
Intuitive eating means eating only when you are hungry, stopping when you are full, and not restricting yourself from any particular foods (unless you have medical reasons to do so).
If you’ve traditionally had issues with buying the right gift for the right person, you might want to consider using psychic intuition to uncover it.
Not only should you foster a healthy body, but you should also foster a healthy mind. One great way to combat and relieve the holiday jitters is to indulge in just a few minutes of meditation every day.
For witches, however, this holiday has a far different meaning, with its own distinct rituals. Rituals that don’t involve the stereotypical hovering over a cauldron, and using hocus pocus to turn people into frogs.
The ancient pagan Celts believed in “thin places,” those spaces where the distance between heaven and earth gives way, and human beings are able to transcend and see into the beyond or infinite.
The most important thing you can do to ensure your wellness during the holiday season is to plan ahead. Focus on what really matters. Then, focus on you and what you need. Finally, focus on others. When you focus on self-care, you’re more available to others.